When pregnant, one of the best ways to stay healthy and avoid injury is to participate in swimming. Swimming during pregnancy is a great exercise that can help with swelling and fatigue and is also very safe for pregnant women.

In this blog post, we discuss some tips to ensure that you have a safe and enjoyable swimming experience while pregnant.

Why Go Swimming During Pregnancy?

Swimming During Pregnancy offers a lot of benefits - Clear Water Pools Atlanta - Atlanta GA

Helps Ease Nausea

Being accompanied by hormonal and physiological changes during pregnancy, nausea brings total discomfort. And doing other forms of exercise might aggravate the feeling of being nauseous. But swimming during your pregnancy is an exception! This particular exercise may help ease and relieve your nausea during your pregnancy.

Takes the Pressure Off Your Baby Bump

Swimming during pregnancy may take the pressure off your baby bump due to the buoyancy that takes effect when you are submerged in the water. Not only that, it may as well take the pressure off your lower back—relieving the pain in that area.

Improves Cardiovascular Health

When you’re pregnant, your heart rate may increase due to the stress you’d experience through the process. That is why swimming during pregnancy is a big help to an expecting mother. This exercise can improve your blood circulation—making your heart efficient in pumping more blood to nourish the baby in your womb.

Keeps You Cool

As the National Institutes of Health have shown that scorching heat can increase the risk of miscarriage, swimming during pregnancy can help keep your body cool. Getting soaked in cool water may reduce the heat your body may experience—thus, helping you in your pregnancy journey.

Factors to Consider When Swimming During Pregnancy

Swimming During Pregnancy offers a lot of benefits - Clear Water Pools Atlanta - Atlanta GA

Swimming during pregnancy does not pose any specific danger. According to doctors, it is a low-impact sport—making it a safe exercise. But there are certain things that you must put into consideration when you’re planning to do so.

First off, you must avoid dipping into hot water. As heat may increase the risk of pregnancy complications, soaking yourself in hot water should be crossed out from your list. That is why hot tubs should be highly avoided.

Second, taking a swim in contaminated and filthy water is not advisable. You must check if the water is clean before taking a swim—because even the slightest touch of filthy water on your skin may be a bit risky. With that, doctors have clarified that chlorinated pools are safe for swimming during pregnancy.

Don’t forget to wear sunscreen! Sun exposure can increase skin cancer risk in pregnant women and their children. Wear sunscreen every day when swimming, even if you are wearing a swimming hat or half-clothed in the pool.

Also, avoid walking on slippery pools. If it’s unavoidable, you should observe extra caution—as there is a high risk that you may slip and get injured. And such injury may lead to miscarriage. Ensure your pool build is safe by using the right materials to construct it.

Lastly, before going to the pool, you must first visit and consult your doctor to get permission to do the exercise in any capacity. With the professional’s proper advice, you can rest assured that your safety is secured.

Build a Safe and Soothing Pool With Us!

Swimming during pregnancy is beneficial to your health. But you must first make sure that your safety is certain before taking a swim.

Clear Water Pools Atlanta can help you build your ideal pool in your yard. We are a team of licensed, insured pool builders servicing metro Atlanta and its surrounding areas.

With our creatively-alluring designs and safety-ensuring works, you can rest assured that you can have a safe and soothing experience! After all, our customers’ safety and satisfaction are our top priority. Call us at 770-406-8638 to get started.